The DJ Bob Sinclar is so annoyed by the sanitary crisis that he decided to take it with humor, by changing the lyrics of 'Ma liberté de penser' !
French Version
Le DJ français Bob Sinclar a décidé de reprendre à sa manière “Ma liberté de penser” de Florent Pagny pour partager ses émotions !
L’épidémie liée aux coronavirus commence à devenir vraiment longue pour tout le monde, et le chanteur n’en peut plus. Entre le couvre-feu, le confinement, les tests PCR et les masques, l’artiste ne laisse rien passer!
Bob Sinclar nous chante qu’il est agacé par la situation, et ajoute une touche d’humour pour faire rire les Français ! Il veut récupérer sa liberté de danser !
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo ci-dessous :
English Version
French DJ Bob Sinclar decided to take up in his own way “Ma liberté de penser” by Florent Pagny to share his emotions!
The epidemic linked to coronavirus is starting to become really long for everyone, and the singer can’t take it anymore. Between curfew, lockdown, PCR tests, and masks, the artist doesn’t let anything go by!
Bob Sinclar sings about how annoyed he is by the situation, and is adding a touch of humor to make French people laugh! He wants to take back his freedom to dance!
You can have a look at the video below: