Concrete is a very famous club, based in Paris. This club exists since 2012 and has become one of the most mythic Parisian club. Concrete has a particularity, as this club is actually a boat floating on the Seine. There are two dancefloors, one is called “the woodfloor” and the other one is the main room, situated just below. Artists from all over the world have played at this club and a huge number of electronic music lovers danced on the boat all night and day long.
Concrete is a very famous club, based in Paris. This club exists since 2012 and has become one of the most mythic Parisian club. Concrete has a particularity, as this club is actually a boat floating on the Seine. There are two dancefloors, one is called “the woodfloor” and the other one is the main room, situated just below. Artists from all over the world have played at this club and a huge number of electronic music lovers danced on the boat all night and day long.
A few days ago, the agency Supr!se which is taking care of the project has published a press release addressed to the public. In this release they are exposing a tension between the owner of the barge and the club. Indeed, Concrete obtained years ago an authorization to stay until 2035 but the owner (Bateau de Paris et d’Ile de France – BPIF) has raised the prices of the rent drastically and finally sent a summon to leave the premises within 15 days, without explanation.
Concrete decided to launch a new supportive hashtag which is #ConcreteParisSupport and also a petition. The city hall of Paris already gave their support to the club! If you want to sign the petition and give your support, here is the link:
We give our full support to this mythic Parisian club and we hope you will do the same!
– No Standing Just Dancing –