About Cape Town Electronic Music Festival
The festival takes place over a busy 6 day period across Cape Town city, and offers attendees the most diverse program of electronic music available in the Mother City. We believe the CTEMF crowd is one of the best in the world, and there are few other festivals that boast such diverse audiences alongside an unparalleled dancefloor vibe.
Established in 2012 as a platform for South Africa’s burgeoning electronic music culture and industry, the Cape Town Electronic Music Festival (CTEMF) has gained international recognition for being one of the most relevant and forward-thinking events on Africa’s music festival calendar.
International pioneers and innovators share the stage with the bright lights of the South african scene while the inner workings of this rapidly growing industry are unpacked and explored through the workshops.
The festival’s satellite event series will reach further across South Africa and the extended workshop program will uncover and connect the industry with upcoming talent in an unprecedented way.