About Elevate Festival
The Elevate Festival is an annual festival that takes place around the Schloßberg in Graz, Austria. The aim of the festival is to create a better understanding of the most important issues of our time and to discuss groundbreaking alternatives, innovative projects, and various initiatives in the realm of civil society, social movements and dedicated activism.
Elevate combines contemporary music, art, and political discourse. The organizational body is a Nonprofit organization. All the discourse and film program of the festival is free of charge. The performing artists at Elevate usually present an eclectic array of styles, beyond conventions and the mainstream.
Political Discourse
With an extensive program of discussions, workshops, lectures, and film presentations, the Elevate Festival wishes to foster a better understanding of the most important issues of our time. There is a conscuious focus on groundbreaking alternatives, innovative projects, and various intiatives in the realm of civil society, social movements and dedicated activism.
Art and Music
Presenting an eclectic array of styles, the performing artists at Elevate have one thing in common: the courage to break away from conventions and satisfy their personal need to find their own voice, far removed from the mainstream. That being said, Elevate offers a musical journey away from well-known Best-Of-Sets, challenging both artists and audiences alike.
Artistic horizons can be explored, shared and expanded not only at live-shows but also at workshops on music production at the Elevate Lab.