Throughout the past few months, Berlin’s Griessmuehle has enjoyed the appearances, so Ellen Allien and the BPitch crew is bringing it back this August!
Ellen Allien is bringing the “We Are Not Alone” series back to Berlin!
Throughout the past few months, Berlin’s Griessmuehle has enjoyed the appearances, so Ellen Allien and the BPitch crew is bringing it back this August! On the 11th from 10:00pm to 3:00pm the next day, totaling 17 hours, Ellen Allien is performing alongside Aérea Negrot, Alan Oldham, DeWalta, Maxime Iko, Serge, Setaoc Mass and SHDW & Obscure Shape.
Ellen and her aliens are known to the venue, which has three very special rooms – Hall, Wintergarten, and Silo! Each room has their own audio and visual experience, but they all have the same message – that “We are not alone.”
If you wanna know more details about the event, check out their page!
Then, let us know which of the three rooms in the venue you think is most fascinating!