Waha Festival 2023
Aug 2023
Start Date
Aug 10 2023, 9:00 PM
Waha Festival
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Line Up

RhadooJane Fitz Margaret DygasKhidjaLoma DoomNeelRefractedPetre InspirescuPolygoniaLuigi TozziAntonio RuscitoAndrea FerlinClovisVeraKia (AU)ClaireChristian ABQuest (IT)BorusiadecapDan AndreiAndrei CiubucMiss IAlexandraMarco ShuttleArioPîrvuCesar MerveilleDragos Ilici EdwardEvanoForest Drive West KarineKatzele Konstantin KozoLaylla DaneMountain People O.BEE Que Sakamoto Raphael Merheb Sofus ForsbergTimur BashaYone-Ko


Adana Twins

Monkey Safari

Kiko B2B Citizen Kain

Tom Pooks B2B Joy Kitikonti


Mood Gorning B2B Albanø

About This Event

We invite you for our 9th edition of Waha Festival that will take place on our favorite hilltop in Covasna. During this long break, we realized what we all actually want to experience at a festival of this kind, and it’s the simple things that make us happy, the joy and togetherness we experience dancing in front of a good sound system that plays some good music, the connection that is created between people, the friendships and revelations we have after, thus the roots of rave, the roots of us dancing with no particular reason around the fire since immemorial times. Therefore we dedicate this edition to Roots, focusing to co-create a powerful experience through interconnection and grounding, absorbing and releasing in harmony with the whole.
The musical concept has changed a bit in order to offer you a more diverse and eclectic selection of styles and artists, freshness being the keyword of this edition. Art installations and Agora exhibition area will get a pushup in order to offer you the artistic environment to trigger your senses.
Waha Kids area will be happy to receive you wholeheartedly with your children. We have dedicated personnel to entertain you the whole day long with diverse activities and shows.
The Luminish area on top of the hill is, as always, expecting you to come and dive into yourself, learning new ways to help you grow and blossom, harmonizing body, mind and spirit.
First part of the lineup revealed in alphabetical order and geographical disorder, carefully selected from 5 continents to express our side of the underground.


DJ122, Zona Hatod 1/A, Batani­i Mari, Covasn­a, 52702, Romania