The iconic weekly 'Identity' radio show of Sander van Doorn is changing format after 17years! Discover the new transition...
Sander van Doorn is a world-renowned electronic dance music pioneer, who created ‘Identity‘ 17years ago. After celebrating their anniversary, the artist decided to offer a fresh new start to his radio show!
Sander is indeed moving on from the weekly format of his monumentally successful radio program. The established musician has decided to transition the acclaimed program by continuing it in a different way altogether!
Some of the biggest names in EDM were highlighted on the show. Fans and listeners alike tuned inconsistently to check out some of Sander’s favorite tracks, as well as upcoming releases. Guest mixes were regular occurrences, as well, with some of the biggest names in the industry taking part.
But now, he wants changes… The new form pivots from its former weekly basis and instead places more of a central focus on special occurrences and events. The newly-cemented goal is to concentrate more on his own original productions and quality releases via his very-own Doorn Records imprint.
The distinguished electronic dance music stalwart sets his sights on the bright future of his career. If you want to stream his radio show, it’s HERE!